picture postcard: Austrian Imperial Post in occupied Poland +censorship
picture postcard in Ukrainian to: Wien; postal stamps: Kaiserliche Königliche Österreichische Post, 5 Heller - Franciscus Josephus - Imperial Royal Austrian Post; K.U.K. Militärzensur WOLFSBERG - the correspondence was inspected by military censorship; censor handwritten marking: Geprüft 64
- stamps: ʘ - cancelled on a envelopes (clippings) - [X]
- themes of postage stamps: famous people
- themes of postcards: architecture
- postmarks on the correspondence: different stamps/ post mark
- a postal circulation of a letter/ postcard: censorship/ inspected correspondence, - from the post
- Continent: Europe
- postage stamps franking: 1 postage stamp
- - Picture postcard
- Postcards and Letters-covers
- Theme: Famous people
- +Post of areas of the Austrian Empire -- Austria-Hungary etc.+
- __stamps by COUNTRY (others/ remaining)
- stamps by THEME
- Postage stamps
- * Architecture's cards
- Austrian Empire - Austria-Hungary - Rep.German-Austria 1850-1919
16 other products in the main category:
~ Austria/ Österreich ~ Polska/ Poland ~ POCZTA MIEJSKA/ TOWN POST ~ Cesarska Poczta Austriacka ~ cenzura/ censorship ~ Austro-Węgry/ Austria-Hungary ~ Kaiser Franz Joseph I 1830-1916 ~