BRITISH COLONIES/ Commonwealth/ DUTCH COLONIES: Bophuthatswana [RSA Homeland] 1-17**
buffalo, wild boar, monkey, tiger, crocodile, lion, porcupine, hyena, hippo, bovinae animals, elephants, snakes. Themes: wild animals, fishes, reptiles and amphibians. BRITISH COLONIES/ Commonwealth/ DUTCH COLONIES: Bophuthatswana [RSA Homeland].
Face values: 1-10c, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50c, R1, R2; Stamps set Mi.1-17 Mint Never Hinged.
- type of postage stamps: series/ sets of postage stamps
- themes of postage stamps: fauna
- Continent: Africa
- stamps: ** - Unmounted Mint or Mint Never Hinged
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