FRENCH COLONIES: Gwadelupa and Dependencies [Guadeloupe et Dépendances] 27(*) overprint
On postage stamp of French colonies: REPVBLIQVE FRANÇAISE - COLONIES POSTES an overprint/ overloaded Guadeloupe et Dépendances. The year of issue: 1892, Navigation and Commerce issue/ type - allegorical figures under the French flag. Theme: allegories. FRENCH COLONIES: Gwadelupa and Dependencies [Guadeloupe et Dépendances]. Face value: 1; Single stamp Mi. No. 27; mint and hinged; without gum.
- type of postage stamps: single
- themes of postage stamps: allegories
- Continent: Central America&Caribbean
- stamps: * - Mint with (a sign of) a stamp hinge
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~ FRENCH COLONIES ~ KOLONIE FRANCUSKIE ~ FR: Paix/Navigation &Commerce ~ Guadeloupe et Dépendances ~